The Prepare Budgets view
The Prepare Budgets view is where learning managers perform most of the tasks related to preparing the budgets for a development period.
Select the Consolidated Budget View tab to view the consolidated budget amounts for the consolidated budget views defined in . Open a consolidated budget view to view the consolidated budget amounts, spent amounts, and remaining amounts for all the budget in the consolidated budget view and all of the development activity requests submitted for the budgets.
Select the Budget Details tab to view the overall status of all the development periods, total budgets, and distributed budgets that are in process. Highlight a period to display the budgets for that period. Highlight a budget to view the distributed budgets for that budget.
Open a budget or distributed budget to view the total budget amount, spent amount, and remaining amount for the budget or distributed budget, to view the development activity request submitted for the budget, and to submit a new development activity request for the budget. Click the Managers tab to access the budgets of managers that report to the budget owner.
Note: Only development activity requests that are associated with a budget display in budget views. -
Select the Manager Budgets tab to view the managers' budgets. Expand the Managers structure to access subordinate managers. Highlight a manager to view the manager's budget. Open a budget to complete the budget review on behalf of the manager.
Select the Requests tab to view all the development activity requests in the system and to assign new development activities. Select a development activity request to view missing data and estimated costs.
Open a development activity request on the Missing Data tab to provide missing information. Click the Estimated Costs tab to view the estimated cost information defaulted from the development activity, and to modify it if needed.
Select the Activities tab to view all of the existing development activities that have corresponding development activity requests. Select a development activity to view the development activity requests for that activity, their preferred completion date, their status, and whether they are DIF.