Mass assigning development activities to resources in eligibility groups

You can mass assign development activities to all of the resources in an eligibility group.

  1. Select Development Planning > Resources > Mass Assign Activities.
  2. On the Mass Assign Activity form, specify this information:
    Eligibility Group

    Required. Select the eligibility group to which to assign a development activity.

    The eligibility group must be defined with a business class of WorkAssignment and a subject of HCMGroupWorkAssignmentMassAssignActivity.


    Required. Select the development activity to assign to the members of the eligibility group.

    Start Date

    (Learning budgets only) Required. Specify the start date for the development activity.

    Due Date

    Required. Specify the due date for the development activity. It must be a date in the future and later than the start date.


    If you select a session, do not select the Register For First Available Session or Allow Resource to Select Session. One of the three options must be selected unless the activity does not use sessions.

    (No learning budgets) If you select this option, the resources in the eligibility group will be assigned to the selected activity and session with a status of Confirmed Registration or Wait Listed, depending on availability and the organization learning rules. If the session is full and waitlist is not enabled, the activity is assigned with a status of Needs Registration.

    (Learning budgets) The session is saved on each resource development activity record as a preferred session. When the activity is approved, registration will be confirmed or wait listed depending on availability and the organization learning rules. If the session is full and waitlist is not enabled, the activity is assigned with a status of Needs Registration.

    Note: If a resource already is already assigned to the same activity with this same session (in confirmed, requested, wait listed, failed to complete, or complete status), the activity is assigned with a status of Needs Registration. You will then have to resolve the duplication manually.
    Register For First Available Session

    If you select this option, do not select a session or the Allow Resource to Select Session option.

    (No learning budgets) If you select this option, the system registers each resource as it is processed for the first available session. When a session is full or wait listed, the system registers the next resources for the next available session, and so on. If there is not enough availability for all the resources in the eligibility group, the remaining resources have a status of Needs Registration.

    (Learning budgets) All resource activities are in Requested Activity status with this option saved for each resource. When the activity request is approved for a resource, the system searches for the first available session and registers the resource. if there is no available session, the activity is assigned with a status of Needs Registration.

    Note: If a resource is already assigned to the same activity and has a session registration status of confirmed, requested, wait listed, failed to complete, or complete, the activity is assigned with a status of Needs Registration. You will then have to resolve the duplication manually.
    Allow Resource To Select Session

    If you select this option, do not select a session or the Register For First Available Session option.

    (No learning budgets) If you select this option, the activity is assigned with a status of Needs Registration.

    (Learning budgets) When the development activity is approved, the activity has a status of Needs Registration.

    Development Period

    (Learning budgets) Select the development period to be used to assign the development activity to a budget. If you leave this field blank, the system uses the start date and the resource's legal entity to determine the development period.

    Budget Category

    (Learning budgets) Select the budget category to be used to assign the development activity to a budget. If you leave this field blank, the system uses the development period's default budget category.


    The activity is required by default. Clear this check box if the activity is not required.


    Specify a priority number for the development activity. This is informational only.

    Request Origin

    (Learning budgets) Select the origin of the request. The values are defined in Development Planning > Set Up.


    (Learning budgets) The development activity category defaults in this field. You can change this value.


    (Learning budgets) The development activity type defaults in this field. You can change this value.

    Imputable For 2483

    (Learning budgets and French resources only). Select this check box if this development activity will be included in the 2483 report.


    (Learning budgets and French resources only) If this development activity is a DIF activity request imputable to the resource's DIF balance, select this check box.

    Estimated Hours Outside Of Work

    (Learning budgets and French resources only) Specify the estimated hours outside of work for this activity. For example, the activity might have two classes of 8 hours each, but only one class will be held outside of work hours, in which case, you would type 8 in this field.

    The total activity hours default in this field.


    Specify comments in support of the development activity request.

  3. Click OK to process this action immediately.


    Click Schedule to schedule this action for a later time or date.