Wait lists
The learning manager can define a default processing option for wait lists at the organization level. This option defaults on all sessions. The learning manager can change the option on individual sessions.
These options are available:
No wait lists
If this is the option in effect for a session, no wait list is allowed. No resource is allowed to register after the session is full.
Automatic wait lists
If this option is in effect for a session, a wait list is allowed and the system processes the waitlisted resources automatically, according to the selected processing order.
If the processing order is "Earliest Registration Date," the system moves waitlisted resources to open slots in the order that their registration was approved.
If the processing order is "Required Then Earliest Registration Date," the system gives priority to resources that are required to attend the learning activity and uses the order that the registration was approved as the secondary sorting order.
Manual wait lists
The learning manager has complete control of the wait list.
Wait list processing tips
Even with manual wait lists, the learning manager cannot confirm a wait listed resource if the session is full. The learning manager can create a slot by increasing the capacity of the session or by cancelling a previously confirmed registration.
The learning manager can switch the wait list option to handle exceptions.
For example, the learning manager may want to let the system process wait lists automatically but keep the option to intervene manually for exceptional cases.
In this case, the learning manager sets a session to process wait lists automatically. However, if a registration request comes in for a resource who must absolutely attend the session, the learning manager switches the wait list option to manual wait list, creates a slot for the resource (by cancelling an existing confirmed registration or expanding the capacity of the session), then confirms the resource's registration. The learning manager then switches the session back to automatic processing.
A wait listed resource can register for another session for the same development activity and can be on multiple wait lists. If a wait listed resource is confirmed for another session, the system automatically cancels all outstanding wait list registrations for the resource for that development activity.