Skills and credentials renewal rules
Resources that are associated with renewable skills or credentials must renew those skills periodically. When completion of a development activity results in the renewal of a skill or credential, the system can compute the renewal date in one of these ways:
The system can update the renewal date with the date on which the renewal development activity was completed and use this date as the new anniversary date for renewal. This is the default.
For example, Robert is supposed to renew his CPR credentials by June 22. The organization only offers this class only on June 11 or July 9. If he takes the June 11 class, his next renewal date is changed to June 11; if he takes the July 9 class, his credentials will have lapsed.
The system can maintain the resource's renewal anniversary date, provided that the resource completes the renewal development activity within a certain threshold period.
For example, in the above case, you could indicate that for the CPR credential, the renewal anniversary date would be maintained if the resource completes the renewal development activities between 15 days before and 15 days after the renewal date. If Robert completes the session on June 11, his next renewal date will be still be June 22.