Viewing resource enrollment
Use this procedure to view pending and finalized enrollments for all compensation programs.
All information from the compensation program, except target quotas, defaults to the resource's enrollment.
- Select Compensation > Incentive Compensation > Enrollment > Resources Enrolled.
Click the Pending tab to view
pending enrollments.
Click the Manager Review tab to view enrollments in Manager Review status.
Click the Finalized tab to view finalized enrollments.
Note:Enrollments in the Pending tab cannot be viewed by employees and managers yet. They can be viewed by the compensation analysts.
Enrollments in the Finalized tab can be viewed by both employees and managers.
To view the calculated target compensation for a resource, open the resource's record.
If the compensation record does not use variable compensation by group, click the Target Variable Compensation tab and specify this information:
- Estimated Annual Target Variable Compensation
Specify the estimated annualized target compensation, taking into consideration the resource's FTE. (For example, if the resource is half-time (FTE = 0.5), the estimated annual compensation will be half what displays in the Full Time Equivalent Target Compensation.)
- Full Time Equivalent Target Compensation
Specify the annualized target compensation for which the resource will be eligible if the resource FTE is 1.0.
- Full Time Equivalent
Specify the resource's FTE.
If the compensation record uses variable compensation by group, click the On the Target Variable Compensation By Group tab, open an eligibility group, and specify this information:
- Calculated Target Compensation
Specify the maximum annualized target compensation for this eligibility group. For example, if the target compensation is set at 5 percent of base pay, a resource earning $122,000 and eligible for the entire year (assuming a compensation program period of a year) would have a calculated target compensation of $6100.00
- Number Of Days At Defined Target
Specify the number of days that the resource was eligible for this variable compensation. For example, if a resource was eligible from 07/01/2018 to 08/31/2018, this value would be 62.
- Number Of Days Enrolled
Specify the number of days if the resource had remained in this program from the date the resource became eligible through the end of the compensation period version date. For a compensation program version date range of 06/01/2018 through 05/31/2019, a resource who became eligible 07/01/2018 and stayed in the program through 05/31/2019, would have been enrolled 335 days.
- Prorated Target For Days Enrolled
Specify the prorated annualized target compensation for the Number of Days Enrolled. In the current example, it would be: 62 / 335 * 6100 - $1128.96.
- Number Of Days In Compensation Program
Specify the number of days in the compensation program, derived from the Version Date Range. In this example, it would be 365 days.
- Prorated Target For Days In Program
Specify the actual prorated target amount for which the resource is eligible, based on being eligible for the program for the number of days in the Number Of Days At Defined Target field: 62 / 365 * 6100 = $1036.16.
To revert a finalized enrollment to pending status, select the
resource, then select Revert To Pending.
The enrollment moves from the Finalized tab to the Pending tab.
To override compensation program information for a specific enrollment,
open the pending enrollment, make changes, and click Save.
For example, you can exclude a specific resource from enrollment group updates to the eligibility date, or you can modify the target compensation.
To finalize a pending enrollment for a resource, select the resource,
then select Finalize Enrollment.
Open the enrollment, and click the Finalize Enrollment button.