Calculating payouts by compensation period

Use the following procedure to calculate payouts by compensation period.

To calculate payouts by compensation period

  1. Select Compensation > Incentive Compensation > Payouts > Calculate Payouts.
  2. Click the By Compensation Period tab.
  3. Select the compensation periods for which to calculate payouts.
  4. On the Calculate Payout form, specify this information:
    Default Payment Date

    Required. This date defaults from the compensation schedule period if it is specified there. You can change it here.

    Exclude Resources in Group

    Select any resources for which you do not want to calculate payouts. For example, you might have a group of terminated resources.

    As of Date

    Select the date as of which you want to determine group eligibility; for example resources terminated as June 15, 2018.

  5. Click OK to run the action immediately, or click Schedule to run the action at a later date or on a regular schedule, for example, nightly.

    When the action is completed, the payouts are created in Pending state.

  6. To view calculation errors, click the Errors tab.
  7. To view the factors included in an individual payout record calculation, open the payout record on the Payouts panel, scroll to the bottom of the page, and click Payout Calculation Factors.
  8. Finalize the pending payout records.
    • To finalize selected records, select Compensation > Incentive Compensation > Payouts > Maintain Payouts, select the records to finalize on the Pending Payouts tab, and select the Finalize Payout action.

    • To mass finalize payout records, select Compensation > Incentive Compensation > Payouts > Finalize Payouts. See Finalizing payouts for multiple pending payout records.