Defining performance rating rules

A performance rating rule can be attached to a performance rating rate progression rule, a length of time and performance rating rate progression rule, or a performance rating and hours threshold rate progression rule.

A performance rating rule determines the rating scale to be used in the performance rating, and the levels of attainments on that rating scale that are required to let the resource progress to the next step.

For example, you could define a performance rating rule that only resources that attain a level of Good or Distinguished are eligible to progress.

  1. Select Compensation > Set Up > Step and Grade Schedules > Rate Progression Rules.
  2. On the Performance Rating tab, click Create.
  3. On the Rate Progression Performance Rating Rule form, specify this information:
    Effective Date
    Specify the effective date for the rule.
    Performance Rating Rule
    Specify a short and long description for the rule.
    Rating Scale
    Select the rating scale on which resources are appraised.
    After you save the rule, the description of the rating scale is displayed in this field.
  4. Click Save.
    The Performance Rating Levels tab displays.
  5. On the Performance Rating Levels tab, specify the rating levels so that the resource can promoted to the next step.
    1. Click Create.
    2. On the Performance Rating Level form, specify the effective date and select the performance rating level that applies to the rule.
    3. Click Save and New to save the rating level and specify a new performance rating level.


      After you have created all applicable performance rating levels, click Save.