Releasing budgets to other managers

A compensation analyst can release any manager's budget to a manager level above the current manager or to a manager level lower than the current manager in the salary structure. The lowest possible level is the level that is directly in charge of the resources in the budget.


A manager can release budgets that they own.

  1. As Compensation Analyst, select Compensation > Awarding > Budget Process > Manager Budgets and Awards.
    Note: Managers access this action from Manager > Adjust Compensation > Compensation Awarding.
  2. Select or open the manager budget to release to another manager.
  3. Select Actions > Release Budget To Manager.
    Note: This action is available only to budgets in Draft status.
  4. On the Release Budget To Manager form, specify this information:
    New Budget Owner
    Select the manager role to own the budget.
    Note: Only the managers that can own the budget are displayed.
    Specify the subject text for the email to be sent to the new budget owner.
    Specify the message text for the email to be sent to the new budget owner. This is a Rich Text Field that you can use to incorporate formatting.
  5. Click OK.
    The budget owner is changed to the new budget owner.
    Note: The former budget owner no longer sees the budget. If the new budget owner is below the former budget owner in the manager structure, then the former budget owner can access the budget by drilling down inside their own budget. The new budget owner can see the budget, make awards for the budget, and release the budget to another manager.