- Goal
- Specify a short description of the goal.
- Goal Type
- Select the type of goal.
Note: The goal types that you can select for this process
only have the Use For Bonus
Objective option selected. The selection list does not show goal
types that also have the Use Action
Plan, Use External
Results, or Approve
Goals By Year options selected. To use a goal type that uses any of
these options, except Use For Bonus
Objective, you must create the goal in Goal Management and then use the Attach Bonus
Objective action.
- Goal Category
- Select the goal category.
Note: If goal categories are specified on the bonus
objective pay component, you must select a goal category that matches one of the
pay component goal categories.
- Start Date, Due Date
- The bonus period start and end dates default to the start
date and due date. You can specify other dates within the bonus period date
- Description
- Specify a description of the bonus
- Expected Result
- Specify the goal outcome.
- Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant,
- Select the SMART rating factors that apply to the bonus
objective. When the bonus objective is created, the system computes a SMART rating
based on the selected rating factors.
- Align With Organizational Goal
- If this goal is aligned with an organizational goal,
select the organizational goal.
Note: The organization goal must be defined for the
resource's organization unit to display in the select list.
- Bonus Objective Weight
- Select a weight for the goal. All bonus objectives for a
single period must be defined with weights or amounts.
Note: If you select a goal category and the pay component
has set minimum, maximum, and aggregate values for the goal category, the weight
you specify must fall within these restrictions. A message is displayed if you are
in error. The maximum weight cannot exceed the aggregate
- Bonus Objective Amount
- Specify the objective amount. All bonus objectives for a
single period must be defined with weights or amounts.