Processing step and grade schedules automatically

Before running each payroll cycle, use this procedure to update pay rates for resources who are eligible for rate progressions.

Note: This action does not go through an approval process.
  1. Select Compensation > Pay Rate Processing > Rate Progression > Rule Processing.

    The step and grade schedules that are associated with rate progression rules are displayed.

  2. Select the step and grade schedule to process.
  3. Select Actions > Process Rate Progression.
  4. Specify this information:
    Update Option

    Optionally, select whether to model the changes or complete them by updating the work assignment. Modeling creates pending records, which you can use to update the work assignment.

    Select Modeling Changes to create the transaction in pending status.

    Select Update Work Assignment to directly update the work assignments without reviewing the changes first.

    Process As Of Date

    Specify the date through which the records should be processed, which is generally the pay period end date.

    When this field is populated, the system searches for the exact match to find pending records.

    We recommend that you run rule progression daily.


    Optionally, select an action reason. For example, Rate Progression. This reason is attached to the record and the audit file.

  5. Click OK to run the action immediately or click Schedule to run the action later or on a regular schedule.

    All employees with work assignments attached to this step and grade schedule are located by the application. The rules that you created are used by the application to determine which employees are eligible to move up a step.

    If you selected Modeling Changes in the Update Option field, you can view a list of employees who are moving to another step after the action is processed.

  6. View the results.
    • Open the step and grade schedule to view the result of the action.
    • Open the Pending Updates tab to view pending rate changes.
    • Open the Error tab to view any errors.
    Note: Lump sum payments for step and grade schedules must be finalized before they can be interfaced to a payroll application.
  7. To update a work assignment with the pending changes, on the Step And Grade Progression Pending Actions tab, highlight the work assignment and select Actions > Update Work Assignment.

    You can also return to the Step And Grade Schedules list, select the step and grade schedule to update, and select Actions > Update Rate Progression Actions.