Finalizing multiple pending enrollments

Use this procedure to finalize enrollments for the resources that belong to an eligibility group or for these pending enrollments:

  • All pending enrollments
  • Pending enrollments in up to six compensation programs sharing the same version date
  • Pending enrollments in all the compensation programs assigned to a specific program manger
  • Pending enrollments within a range of eligibility dates
  • Pending enrollments within a range of employments IDs

If an approval process is required, this action initiates the approval process.

  1. Select Compensation > Incentive Compensation > Enrollment > Finalize Enrollments.
  2. Specify this information:

    If you leave all fields blank, all pending enrollments are processed.

    Compensation program(s)

    Select up to six compensation programs for which to finalize enrollments.


    All compensation programs must have the same version date.

    Compensation Program Version

    If you selected compensation programs, you must select the version date for the compensation programs.

    Program Manager

    Select a program manager to finalize enrollments for compensation programs assigned to the program manager.

    Eligibility Start Date Begin

    Specify the start date for a range of eligibility dates to finalize only the enrollments for that eligibility period.

    Eligibility Start Date End

    Specify the end date for a range of eligibility dates to finalize only the enrollments for that eligibility period.

    Resource Employment ID Begin

    Optionally, specify the beginning ID for a range of employment IDs.

    If you select a range of employment IDs, only pending resource enrollments for resources within the employment ID range are finalized.

    If you select an employment ID range, you cannot select a resource group.

    If you leave both fields blank, all of the resources in pending status for the selected compensation groups or the selected program manager are finalized.

    Resource Employment ID End

    Optionally, specify the end ID for a range of employment IDs.

    If you select a range of employment IDs, only pending resource enrollments for resources within the employment ID range are finalized.

    If you select an employment ID range, you cannot select a resource group.

    If you leave both fields blank, all of the resources in pending status for the selected compensation groups or the selected program manager are finalized.

    Resource Group

    If you select a resource group, only pending resource enrollments for resources within the resource group are finalized.

    If you select a resource group, you cannot select an employment ID range.

    If you leave both fields blank, all resources in pending status for the compensation groups or the program manager that you select are finalized.

  3. Click Submit to process the action immediately or click Schedule to schedule the action to run at a later time.