Optimizing custom group conditions
This section describes best practices for custom groups. This information is helpful when you
are writing custom group conditions:
- Limit the number of operators (and/or) within the condition.
- Consider using a variable to identify records to be included. The goal is to create a custom group that does not require updating every time new data is created. For example, if you use job record, then that ties only to that one record. When new jobs are added, the custom groups would likely have to be updated to accommodate that new data point.
- If you are unable to identify fields to describe the selection, consider adding a user field in the Configuration Console for the business class and use that in the custom group definition. For example, a field ZZGroupType could be defined on the job record and then populated with some value to identify records to include. On some job records the ZZGroupType field could be populated with SpecialShift1 and on others SpecialShift2. When you define your custom group condition you could specify Job.ZZGroupType=SpecialShift1 and all records with that type would be included. If you must define multiple like values, consider using >= and <= to group them. Doing so is more efficient to process. For example, Job>=1000 or Job<=1003 is more efficient than Job=1000 or Job=1001 or Job=1002 or Job=1003.