Defining rate progression rules based on performance rating rules and hours threshold rules

This rate progression rule is triggered when both the performance rating and the number of hours have been reached.

  1. Select Compensation > Set Up > Step and Grade Schedules > Rate Progression Rules.
  2. On the Rate Progression tab, click Create.
  3. Specify this information:
    Rate Progression Rule and Description

    Specify a long and short description for the rule.

    Version Date

    Specify a version date.


    Select a currency for the rate progression.


    Indicate whether the rate progression is active.

  4. Click Save.
  5. On the Rules tab, select Create > Create Rule Based on Performance Rating And Hours Threshold.

    Specify this information:

    Step And Grade Group

    If applicable, select the eligibility group to which the rate progression applies.


    Eligibility groups, also called custom groups, must defined by the administrator in Infor HR Talent Setup.

    Performance Rating

    Select a performance rating rule or click Define to create a new rule. See Defining performance rating rules.

    Hours Threshold

    Select an hours threshold rule or click Define to create a new rule. See Defining hours threshold rules.

    Waiting Period

    If basing the rule on a waiting period, select the waiting period or click Define to create a new one. See Defining rate progression waiting periods.

    Allow Lump Sum Payments

    Select this check box if lump sum payments are allowed after the employee reaches the top step for a grade.

    Pay Code

    To link the lump sum payment to a pay code, specify it here. You can place a pay code on the payment record for use when interfacing to a payroll application.

    Calculation Option

    Select the way in which the lump sum amount is calculated. Select a percent of base pay or flat amount.

    Lump Sum Rate by Factor

    Select whether the lump sum is based on a performance rating or a step and grade schedule. If you select No, then everyone receives the same amount, which you specify in the Rate field.

    Lump Sum Rating Scale

    If you selected By Performance Rating in the Lump Sum Rate Factor field, then you must select the rating scale by which the performance is rated.


    If you selected No in the Lump Sum Rate by Factor field, then specify the rate.

  6. Click Save.
  7. If you selected By Grade On Step and Grade Schedule in the Lump Sum Rate By Factor field, then click the Lump Sum by Factor for Grades link. For each grade where you want to apply a lump sum, select the grade. Specify the amount or percentage to be applied to the last step of the grade.
  8. If you selected By Performance Rating in the Lump Sum Rate Factor field, then click the Lump Sum by Factor for Performance link. For each performance level where you want to apply a lump sum, select the performance level. Specify the amount or percentage to be applied to the last step of the grade.