Defining hours threshold rules

An hours threshold rule can be attached to these items:

  • A progression rule for an hours threshold rate
  • A progression rule for a length of time or hours threshold rate
  • A progression rule for a length of time and hours threshold rate
  • A progression rule for a performance rating and hours threshold rate

An hours threshold rule determines the amount of hours that a resource must work to progress to the next step. It also determines how hour balances are updated when a threshold is reached and the resource is moved to the next step.

  1. Select Compensation > Set Up > Step and Grade Schedules > Rate Progression Rules.
  2. On the Hours Threshold tab, click Create.
  3. On the Hours Threshold Rule form, specify this information:
    Effective Date

    Specify the effective date for the rule.

    Hours Threshold Rule

    Specify a short and long description for the rule.

    Update Balance

    Select whether to update the resource's hours balance when a rate progression occurs.

    Select Subtract Threshold From Balance, for the affected resources' hours balances to be decremented by the threshold hours when they are moved to the next step. For example, the resource has 1050 hours at the time that the rate progression is processed and the threshold is 1040 hours. In this case, the resource has 10 hours left to apply for the next step.

    Select Reduce Balance To Zero, for the affected resources' hours balances to be reset to zero when they are moved to the next step. They must then start accruing balances from zero for the next rate progression.

    Select Do Not Update Balance for the balance to continue accruing. In this case, define an hours threshold for each step. For example, 1040 hours for step 1, 2080 hours for step 2, continuing with subsequent steps.

  4. Click Save.

    The Hours Threshold tab displays.

  5. On the Hours Threshold tab, specify the hours thresholds.

    You can specify an hours threshold that applies to all steps, or an hours threshold for each step.

    1. Click Create.
    2. On the Hours Threshold form, specify this information:
      Effective Date

      Specify the effective date for the threshold.

      Move From Step

      Specify the step for which this hours threshold is valid.


      If the threshold applies to all steps, then leave this field blank.

      Hours Threshhold

      Specify the number of hours that a resource must work in the Move From Step before being eligible to move the next step.

    3. Click Save and New to save the hours threshold and create a new one. When you have created all applicable hours thresholds, click Save.