Finalizing and making budgets available to budget owners

  1. Select Compensation > Awarding > Budget Process > Manager Budgets and Awards.
  2. Select the budgets to make available to their owners.
  3. Select Actions > Finalize And Make Available To Manager.

    The budget status changes to Available and the budget is now available to the budget owner, who is not necessarily the direct manager.

    The budget owner is determined by the minimum manager level for the compensation awarding view, unless the compensation analyst has released the budget to another manager.


    The process of making a budget available to a budget owner is distinct from the process of assigning ownership to a budget. For example, it is possible that budget owners can view budgets for managers below them, but not their own budget, if their own budget has not yet be made available.

    After budgets have been finalized by the budget owner, the budgets are displayed on the Historical tab.