Using banner images in the configuration library

To view the delivered banner images that you can use in HR Talent, select Administrator > Utilities > Configuration Library > Banner Images.

HR Talent is delivered with a set of general banner images that you can use as a background image on a context form on a composite form, a page, or a dashboard panel.

You can select a banner image from several options:

  • BannerBeach
  • BannerBlue
  • BannerClouds
  • BannerFlowers
  • BannerLeaves
  • BannerLight
  • BannerMarble
  • BannerPaper
  • BannerSand
  • BannerTurquoise
To preview available banner images, follow these steps:
  1. Sign in as an administrator.
  2. Select Administration > Utilities > Configuration Library > Banner Images.
  3. Select an image to preview and click the Preview button. A page with a context form is opened in a new tab. The selected image displays in the background of the context form at the top of the page. To view the LPL for the preview page, perform a Ctrl+Shift+Click on the page header.

To add a banner image, sign in as an administrator and use the Configuration Console to configure a composite form or page that has a context form.

To add a background image to a context form on a composite form, add background is image.<image name>. For example, to add BannerBeach:
XiEmployeeCalendarEE is a CompositeForm
    title is "<Employee.Name.PreferredFirstAndLastName>'sTime"
    context form is XiEmployeeCalendarContextForm
        background is image.BannerBeach

To add a background image to a context form on a page, add background is <image name>. For example, to add BannerBeach:

JobsHomePage is a Page
    title is "Home"

    Context Form
        background is BannerBeach
                    no label
                    display as full image up to 12 lines

To define your own custom image and use that image as a background image, follow these steps:

  1. Create a UIUserImagesOnStartPages configuration parameter so that images stored in the UserImage business class can be used on pages.
    For more information, see Modifying images on application start pages in the Configuration Console for Rich Client guide in the Landmark developer documentation.
  2. Upload a custom image to the UserImage business class.
  3. Use the Configuration Console to add a background image to a composite form or page using the guidelines listed above.
    XiEmployeeCalendarEE is a CompositeForm
        title is "<Employee.Name.PreferredFirstAndLastName>'sTime"
        context form is XiEmployeeCalendarContextForm
            background is image.SampleImage

    In this example, SampleImage is the name of an image that has been uploaded to the UserImage business class and added as a background image to a context form on a composite form.

    Note: If the changes are not visible, sign out and clear the browser cache for the changes to take effect.