Customizing the banner text

Optionally, you can customize the bannerHeader and bannerMessage text elements of the Employee Preview template.

  1. Download the file in KB2005763 on Infor Customer Portal.
  2. Select the Employee Preview template to customize:
    1. Open the HomePages folder that you extracted.
      The default file path of the HomePages folder is C:\Users\users\Downloads.
    2. Right-click the Employee Preview template.
      You can customize the banner text in any of these Employee Preview templates:
      • EmployeePreviewFullBackground.html
      • EmployeePreviewGradient.html
      • EmployeePreviewMonochrome.html
      • EmployeePreviewShortBanner.html
      • EmployeePreviewSplitBanner.html
      • EmployeePreviewTallBanner.html
    3. Click Edit with Notepad.
  3. Specify the banner header in the <div class="bannerHeader"></div> tag.
    For example, <div class="bannerHeader"> Welcome to the new Employee Experience. </div>.
  4. Specify the banner message in the <div class="bannerMessage"><div> tag.
    For example, <div class="bannerMessage"> Explore our new employee portal to see how we are making it easier to maximize your wellness and productivity on the job. </div>.
  5. To save your changes in the banner header and message, select File > Save.
  6. Zip the HomePages folder:
    1. Open the HomePages folder.
    2. Press Ctrl + A to select all files in the HomePages folder.
    3. Right-click the selected files.
    4. Select Send To > Compressed (zipped) folder.
  7. Upload and deploy the .zip file that you customized to a Configurable Home Page record.