Adding a context or utility app to your product

These context and utility applications are available for Infor HR Talent:

  • HR Talent Rave context application
  • Admin Navigator context application
  • Manager Navigator context application
  • Smart Help

You can add a context or utility app to your product if it is not set up as a default. See the information about adding context or utility applications in the Administration Guide.

Either select Grant access to all users or click Add new users and/or IFS security roles to specify certain users or roles that can access the context apps.

Screen ID associations can be used to control where the context app will display. Some context apps are delivered with screen ID associations that cannot be changed or removed. To add new screen ID associations, go to Admin Settings, open theInfor HR Talent application, and go to the Context/Utility Apps tab. Use the Edit Screen ID Associations link for the associated context app. To find the screen ID, use the Context Viewer context app. The screen ID element will list the value for each Infor HR Talent screen.

For more information about screen ID association, see the Infor OS Administration Guide.