Configuring purge and anonymize features

Employee and candidate data can be purged to delete employee-owned personal information from the database. Employee data can be anonymized to permanently change identifying information. Both processes require configuration and certain data conditions must be met before data can be purged or anonymized.

  • The purge action permanently deletes specific employee or external candidate data, including existing audit log records.
  • The anonymize action permanently changes employee-owned information. The employee name fields are replaced with the employee’s employment ID number. Records with Identification Numbers, for example, National Insurance Number, and interface records are purged.

    Records with documents or correspondence are purged if they are guaranteed to only contain information about the employee being anonymized. Otherwise the records must be anonymized manually.

Note: Use extreme caution when assigning purge roles to users and when taking purge and anonymize actions. Purge and anonymize actions are permanent. These actions cannot be reversed and the data cannot be recovered.
These conditions must be met to perform the purge or anonymize actions for employees:
  • The employee cannot have any active work assignments
  • The employee must have a relationship status that is designated Purge Eligible
  • The administrator who performs the purge or anonymize actions cannot purge their own data
  • The administrator who performs the purge or anonymize actions must have the security role for Purge Actions Administrator as issued by the Purge Grantor Administrator

These conditions must be met to perform the purge action for candidates:

  • The candidate must be an external candidate
  • The candidate cannot have any active job applications
  • The administrator who performs the purge action must have the security role for Purge Actions Administrator as issued by the Purge Grantor Administrator