Customizing the help text for the classic candidate space

Help text is delivered as a set of four html files in a frameset. The home page contains the reference to the file that opens the frameset. You can modify the help files or write your own help files. To make your own help file active, change the home page reference to point to your file.

This is also the method you can use to translate the help.

  1. In the database directory for Infor HR Talent, select Modules/Recruiting/Webapps/CandidateSelfService/src/lawson/help/html.

    To modify the help for the file, or any version of it, access lawson > help > html.

    Note: The CandidateSpaceFrameSet.htm file opens all the files in the frameset.
  2. Modify the help using an HTML editor and save it back in the same location.

    To create your own html help file, save it to the same location. Activate it by changing the reference from CandidateSpaceFrameSet.htm to your own file in welcome.html (src directory or