Adding attachment requirement configuration for skill and competency renewals

You can specify whether an attachment is required during the skill or competency renewal process.

  1. Select Administration Console > Configuration Parameters tab.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Specify this information:
    Specify the key.
    • Use the HCM_EmployeeRequireNewAttachmentsWhenRenewing key to add attachment requirement configuration when employees are renewing their skills and competencies.
    • Use the HCM_ManagerRequireNewAttachmentsWhenRenewing key to add attachment requirement configuration when managers are renewing the skills and completencies of the resources who are assigned to them.
    • Use the HCM_AdminRequireNewAttachmentsWhenRenewing key to add attachment requirement configuration when administrators are renewing resources' skills and competencies.
      Note: Only one key can be used in each parameter configuration. You must create a new parameter configuration for each key. Attachments are not required if a configuration parameter is not created.
    Select the Boolean type.
    Specify true to require the attachment. Alternatively, specify false if the attachment is not required.
  4. Click Save.