Changing Quick Links

Quick Links can be found in the cell content element:

<div class="cell">
    <a id="time" target="" onclick="hcm.util.navigateTo('/menu/XiEmployeeMenu.TimeOff')" class="layerIcon inforHyperlink headerText">
        <svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" role="presentation" class="icon"><use xlink:href="#icon-time-off-approval"></svg>
        <div class="caption">Time Off
            <div class="captionText">Track your work hours and submit time off requests. </div>

Changes made to a cell occur in these places:

  • Link Destination: The cell encapsulated an <a> tag, which defines a hyperlink.
  • Icon: The icon displayed is currently one of the provided SVG icons. See Icon themes.
  • Text: The text that is displayed on each cell, consisting of a caption and caption text.
Note: These changes can be overridden.