Setting up Microsoft Teams integration

To set up Microsoft Teams integration, your IT Administrator must configure Microsoft Azure to communicate with ION API.

  1. To enable Microsoft Teams integration, select Administrator > Setup > Structure > Organization Units, then select an organization unit, and then select the Enable for Learning and Development option.
  2. Create a new registration in Microsoft Azure.
    1. Use for Redirect URL.
    2. Add a new permission, then select Microsoft Graph, and then select Calendars.Read.Write, OnlineMeetings.ReadWrite, offline_access, openid, and User.Read delegated permissions.
    3. Create a new client secret.
  3. Create ION API Suite for the Microsoft Graph API with thse configuration parameters:
    • Host Name:
    • Authentication Type: OAuth 2.0
    • Token Endpoint:
    • Grant Type: Authorization Code
    • Auth URL:
    • Client ID: <client id from Microsoft Azure>
    • Client Secret: <client secret from Microsoft Azure>
    • Client Authentication: Send as Auth Header
    • Scope: Calendars.ReadWrite offline_access OnlineMeetings.ReadWrite
  4. In ION Desk application, select Data Catalog > Object Schemas and import the HCM_OnlineMeeting - Schema& schema.
  5. In ION Desk application, select Scripting > Scripts and import the transformation script “MSGraph_OnlineMeeting_Transformation - script”. Activate the script when the import process is complete..
  6. Import and activate HCM_MSGRAPH_TeamsOnlineMeeting - API Flow.xml template.
  7. In ION Desk application, select Connect > Data Flows and import the Data Flow Sync_HCM_OnlineMeetings - Data Flow connection point. Both data flow and connection point will be imported during this process.