Setting up Microsoft Teams integration
To set up Microsoft Teams integration, your IT Administrator must configure Microsoft Azure to communicate with ION API.
- To enable Microsoft Teams integration, select Administrator > Setup > Structure > Organization Units, then select an organization unit, and then select the Enable for Learning and Development option.
Create a new registration in Microsoft Azure.
- Use for Redirect URL.
- Add a new permission, then select Microsoft Graph, and then select Calendars.Read.Write, OnlineMeetings.ReadWrite, offline_access, openid, and User.Read delegated permissions.
- Create a new client secret.
Create ION API Suite for the Microsoft Graph API with thse configuration
- Host Name:
- Authentication Type: OAuth 2.0
- Token Endpoint:
- Grant Type: Authorization Code
- Auth URL:
- Client ID: <client id from Microsoft Azure>
- Client Secret: <client secret from Microsoft Azure>
- Client Authentication: Send as Auth Header
- Scope: Calendars.ReadWrite offline_access OnlineMeetings.ReadWrite
- In ION Desk application, select Data Catalog > Object Schemas and import the HCM_OnlineMeeting - Schema& schema.
- In ION Desk application, select Scripting > Scripts and import the transformation script “MSGraph_OnlineMeeting_Transformation - script”. Activate the script when the import process is complete..
- Import and activate HCM_MSGRAPH_TeamsOnlineMeeting - API Flow.xml template.
- In ION Desk application, select Connect > Data Flows and import the Data Flow Sync_HCM_OnlineMeetings - Data Flow connection point. Both data flow and connection point will be imported during this process.