Defining advanced rules for activity prerequisites

You can define advanced rules for activity prerequisites for specified distribution groups or individual resources. You must have one or more of the required prerequisites already defined in order to create advanced rules. Recommended prerequisites cannot be used in advanced rules.

  1. Select Learning and Development > Catalog > Activities And Sessions.
  2. On the Activities panel, open the activity to update.
  3. Select the Prerequisites tab.
  4. Click Create on the Advanced Rules panel.
  5. Specify Rule ID. Rule ID is relevant if you require certain rules to take precedence over other rules with lower Rule ID.
  6. Specify advanced condition.
    Condition Description
    true The selected employee or group employees must complete all activities in the Prerequisites table.
    false The selected employee or group of employees are exempt from completing any of the activities in the Prerequisites table.
    Activity Label The selected employee or employee group must complete the specified activity. The activity Label is located in the Prerequisites table for each activity record.
    and Use the and operator if employees must complete all of the specified prerequisite activities.

    Example: A and B and C where A, B, and C are activity labels in the Prerequisites table.

    or Use the or operator if employees must complete only one of the specified prerequisite activities.

    Example: A or B or C where A, B, and C are activity labels in the Prerequisites table.



    Use the not operator when you want to exclude an activity from the rule.

    Example: Use not A or !A if the employees must complete any other activity except A. This is useful to exclude a small number of activities when there are a lot of prerequisite activities.

    Multiple operators You can create rules using multile logic operators for more complex situations.

    Example: Use A or(B and C) if the employees must complete the activity A or both the activity B and C.

  7. Specify Employee Group or Employment ID. You can select either a group of employees or an individual employee to whom the rule will apply. You cannot select both.
  8. Click Save.