Badges and leaderboards
Badges can be awarded to employees who complete specific activities and certifications. Leaderboards are reports that show employees and the badges that they have earned. Administrators use badging and leaderboards to track employee progress and to incentivize employees.
- Increase employee engagement through rewards and interaction
- Reward and recognized employees for training completions
- Create friendly competition within the organization
A point value can be assigned to each badge. Employees can see the number of points that they will earn when they complete the task. Employees can track the number of badges and the total points they have earned. Badges can be assigned to categories for improved organization.
Badges are delivered with the application, and administrators can create additional badges.
Badge points and badge groups
Learning administrators can assign badge groups and points to activities and certifications. Badge points are the points that are earned when the activity is complete. Badge groups are groups of one or more badges. Badge groups are used to group points so that employees can earn a badge after earning a specified number of points and then earn another badge in the group for earning a larger number of specified points. For example, a badge group can include novice, intermediate, and advanced badges.
When employees complete activities and certifications that have been assigned badge points, the points are added together and tracked, allowing Employees to earn a Badge when a point value has been reached.
If a badge group is assigned to an activity or certification, then employees who complete the activity or certification earn points toward badges that are associated with the badge group. Badge groups are optional. If an activity or certification with badge points has no badge group assigned, then the points earned apply towards badges that are not assigned to badge groups.