Defining checklist rules

Checklist rules determine print options for resource checklists at the organization level.

  1. Select Learning and Development > Set Up > Checklist Components > Checklist Rules.
  2. On the Checklist Rules form, Print Options tab, specify this information:
    Effective Date

    Required. Specify the date on which these settings become effective.

    Checklist Display Options

    If you want a logo to be included on your printed resource checklists, attach the logo graphic file.

    If you want the checklist introduction text to be included on your printed resource checklists, select the Introduction check box.

    If you want the checklist version to be included on your printed resource checklists, select the Version check box.

    If you want the Acknowledgment Terms to be included on your printed resource checklists, select the Employee Acknowledgment Terms check box.

    Component Display Options

    These settings determine what checklist components details are included on your printed resource checklists. Select the check boxes for the component details to include. For criteria, indicate whether the criteria name or the criteria summary is included.

    Note: If selected details are not applicable to a checklist, they are ignored. For example, if you select Competency And Skill Summary, this information will be included only on checklists that include competency or skill components.
    Resource Display Options

    Select the resource dates to include your printed resource checklists. To include a Length Of Service value, select the date on which the length of service is based.

    Resource Primary Work Assignment Display Options

    Select the primary work assignment information to include on your printed resource checklists.

  3. On the Checklist Rules form, Checklist Defaults tab, specify this information for checklist completion:
    Checklist Completion

    Select Managers or Mentors to activate checklist completion rules to require the manager or mentor to check the electronic signature when completing a checklist.

    Signature Type

    Select Check Box or Signature. Check box requires the manager or mentor to check the electronic signature when completing a checklist. Signature requires the manager or mentor to type their name for electronic signature when completing a checklist.


    Terms is a rich text field that displays to the manager or mentor when completing a checklist. Click the Visual Editor tab to specify the terms as formatted text. Click the HTML Source tab to specify the terms with HTML tags.

  4. On the Checklist Rules form, Checklist Defaults tab, specify this information for Employee Checklist Signature.
    Required for Completion

    Check this box if the employee is required to sign off prior to manager completion.

    Signature Type

    Select Check Box or Signature. Check Box requires the employee to check for electronic signature when completing a checklist. Signature requires the employee to type in their name for electronic signature when completing a checklist.


    Terms is the rich text field that displays to the employee when completing a checklist. Click the Visual Editor tab to specify the terms as formatted text. Click the HTML Source tab to specify the terms with HTML tags.

  5. Click Save.