Actions to select on the monitoring forms

You can select the same actions as a manager or mentor. In addition, only you can revert checklist actions. The actions you can select depend on the status of the resource checklist or checklist component.

For more information on the actions, see Related topics.

Actions for resource checklists

Resource checklist status Actions

Change Due Date

Change Eligibility Group


Revert To Draft (available only if components have not been updated).

Ready To Complete

Change Due Date

Change Eligibility Group



Actions for checklist components

Checklist component status Actions
Awaiting Acknowledgment And Validation



Awaiting Validation



Awaiting Acknowledgment Waive
Complete (if only acknowledgment was required) Revert Acknowledgment
Complete (if both acknowledgment and validation were required)

Revert Acknowledgment

Revert Validation

Needs Registration (activities only)

Register Resource


Confirmed Registration Waive
Waived Revert Waive
Cancelled Revert Cancellation
Note: Waived and Cancelled components do not display on the Development Tasks list. You can access them by opening the checklist that they are assigned to on the Resource Checklists tab.

Non-checklist actions

In addition to the resource checklist components, the Development Tasks list also includes the resources' other activities that are not associated with a checklist.

The only difference between a checklist activity and a non-checklist activity is that you can revert a waived checklist activity. You can waive a required non-checklist activity and cancel a non-required activity. But neither action is reversible.

Activity status Activity required Actions
Needs registration No

Register Resource

Cancel Activity

Confirm Registration No Cancel Activity
Needs Registration Yes

Register Resource


Confirm Registration Yes Waive
Cancelled No None
Waived No None
Note: Waived and Cancelled activities do not display on the Development Tasks list. You can view them on the Activity History tab of Learning and Development > Resources > Resource Activities or on the resource's development plan.