Defining automatic notification rules for development plans
Use this type of notification rule to send an automatic notification for changes to development plan details, requests, or enrollments.
Select Learning and Development > Set Up > Notifications > Default Notification Rules.
Open or highlight the notification template for which to define notification rules, and click the Rules Using This Template tab.
- On the Notification Rules list, select New > Create Automatic Notifications For Development Plans.
Specify this information:
- Effective Date
Required. Specify the effective date.
- Notification Rule
Required. Specify the name of the registration rule.
- Description
Specify the description of the notification rule. If you leave this field blank, the notification rule name is displayed.
- Active
The notification rule is inactive by default. To activate the notification rule, select the check box. Inactive notification rules cannot trigger notifications.
- Send Notification When
Select the development plan change to trigger the notification.
For example:
- To send a notification when enrollments are approved for development plans and activities, select Development Plan and Activities Enrollment Approved.
- To send a notification when development plan activities are approaching the due date, select Development Plan Activity Approaching Due Date.
- To send a notification when enrollments are approved for certification activities, select Certification and Activities Enrollment Approved.
- To send a notification when certification activities are approaching the due date, select Certification Activity Approaching Due Date.
- To send a single notification with all assigned activities, select Bundled Activities Enrollment Approved.
- To send a single notification when all activities are approaching the due date, select Bundled Activities Approaching Due Date.
- Template
Select the notification template to which this notification is attached. If you are accessing this form from a notification template, this field is already populated.
For example:
- For approved enrollments for development plans, select DEVPLANANDACTAPRVD.
- For approaching due dates for development plan activities, select DEVPLANACTAPPRDUE.
- For approved enrollments for certifications, select CERTANDACTAPRVD.
- For approaching due dates for certifications, select CERTACTAPPRDUE.
- For a single notification for all assigned activities, select BUNDLEACTENROLLAPPR.
- For a single notification when all activities are approaching the due date, select BUNDLEACTAPPRDUE.
- Save Correspondence
By default, each notification creates a copy of the email in Learning and Development > Notifications And Correspondence > Correspondence. If you do not want this notification rule to retain correspondence records, select No.
- Click OK.