Monitoring maximum personal development balances

If you specified a maximum number of personal development hours and a threshold for triggering an alert in Organization Configuration, you can monitor the resources that are exceeding or close to exceeding their maximum balances. You can also reduce their balances to the maximum.

  1. Select Learning and Development > Resources > Personal Development Hours > Balances Exceeding Maximum.
  2. On the Resources Exceeding Maximum Balances tab, view the resources that exceed the maximum hours entered on Organization Configuration. You can also view the hours balance and balance history for each resource.
  3. To reduce the balances for specific resources to the maximum, highlight the resources and select Actions > Reduce Balance To Maximum. On the Reduce Balance to Maximum form, specify an optional comment, and click OK.

    The resource balances are reduced to the maximum and now display on the Resources Approaching Maximum Balances tab.

  4. On the Resources Approaching Maximum Balances tab, view the resources that have balances equal to or above the threshold hours specified on Organization Configuration, up to the maximum hours. You can also view the hours balance and balance history for each resource.
  5. To update balances for specific resources, on either tab, highlight the resources and select Actions > Manual Update Balance. Specify the positive or negative number of hours by which to adjust the balances, and click OK. The balances are updated. If the resource balances no longer fall within the parameters for exceeding or approaching maximum hours, they now display only on Personal Development Hours > Balances.
  6. To reduce all resources that are exceeding the maximum to the maximum hours at once, click the Reduce Balances To Maximum tab, click Reduce Balances To Maximum, specify an optional comment, and click OK.

    All of the balances that exceeded the maximum are now reduced to the maximum and display on the Resources Approaching Maximum Balance tab.