Defining non-employees
Non-employees can be added to serve a role of an instructor or a content administrator, or both. The entry must be approved in order for the added individuals to gain access to the system.
- Select Learning and Development > Set Up > Add Resources > Non-Employees.
- Click Create.
Specify this information:
- Effective Date
Required. Specify the effective date.
- Reason
- Select a reason to add a non-employee.
- Title
- Specify the non-employee title.
- First, Middle, Last Name, and Suffix
- Specify the non-employee name and suffix.
- Professional Designation
- Specify the non-employee's professional designation.
- Preferred First and Last Name
- Specify the non-employee's preferred first and last name.
- Home Country
- Specify the non-employee's home country.
- Relationship to Organization
- Specify the non-employee's relationship to organization.
- Relationship Status
- Specify the non-employee's relationship status.
- Work Type
- Specify the non-employee's work type.
- Identification Number
- Specify the non-employee's identification country and number.
- Issue Date
- Specify the non-employee's identification issue date.
- Expiration Date
- Specify the non-employee's identification expiration date.
- Gender
- Specify the non-employee's gender
- Disability Type
- Specify the non-employee's disability type.
- Marital Status
- Specify the non-employee's marital status.
- Nationality
- Specify the non-employee's nationality.
- Nationality Country
- Specify the non-employee's nationality country.
- Birthdate
- Specify the non-employee's birthdate.
- Point of Origin
- Specify the non-employee's point of origin.
- Country
- Specify the non-employee's country of residence.
- Country Code, Phone Number, and Extension
- Specify the non-employee's phone number.
- Preferred Telephone Contact
- Select if telephone contact is the preferred method of communication.
- Used as Work Phone
- Select if the specified phone number is used for work.
- E-mail Address
- Specify the non-employee's e-mail address.
- Preferred E-mail Contact
- Select if e-mail contact is the preferred method of communication.
- Used as Work Email
- Select if the specified e-mail address is used for work.
- Alternative E-mail Address
- Specify an alternative e-mal address.
- Start Date
- Specify the start date.
- Adjusted Start Date
- Specify the adjusted start date.
- Content Administrator
- Select to assign Content Administrator role.
- Instructor
- Select to assign Instructor role.
- Description
Provide the non-employe's description.
- Click Save.