Defining featured content

Administrators can designate content as featured content. Featured content can include activities, development plans, and certification programs. Employees who access their development profiles see featured content in a prominent position. For example, on the Activities tab, the featured activities are shown at the top of the list of all activities.

The process of defining a configuration requires an item of content be assigned to a specific group of employees.

  1. Click Catalog, then select the content type. For example, selectCatalog > Activities .
  2. Double-click an item. For example, double-click an activity.
  3. Click the Down arrow and select Featured List.
  4. Click Create.
  5. Specify this information:
    Working Assignment Group
    Specify the group of employees for whom the content item is featured.
    Featured List Start Date
    Specify the date that the content is first featured.
    Featured List End Date
    Select the date that the content is no longer featured.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Click Sync All.
  8. To sync all now, click Submit. To schedule recurring synchronizations, click Schedule and schedule the recurring action.