Creating IRS employee reporting

Once the system is configured for IRS reporting, complete these steps to create resource print files for employee reporting according to IRS instructions. See System configuration for IRS reporting.

  1. Create ACA IRS Codes to merge the information from Individual Data and ALE Member Assignment and to create one record for each unique combination of Individual and ALE Member.
    1. Select Benefits > Reports > ACA > Resource Print File.
    2. Click Create ACA IRS Codes.
    3. Specify the Reporting Year.
    4. Click Submit.
      The result of the Create ACA IRS Codes action are the ACA IRS data records. These are first shown in draft status for review. Required changes can be made by opening an individual record.
  2. Create the print file:
    1. Click Move Draft to Approved to approve draft records for the IRS XML file.
    2. Specify the Reporting Year.
    3. Click Submit.
    4. Click Create Print File.
    5. Select the Reporting Year for the records that must be included in the print file.
    6. Select the Submission Type, which is the IRS Form 1095-C or 1095-B.
    7. To include column headings in the print file, select Include Headings.
    8. To create a print file for only one ALE Member, select the ALE Member. For Submission Type 1095-B, the ALE Member must be selected.
    9. Click Submit.