Creating dependent relationships

Use this procedure to define dependent relationships. When you add a dependent, you must specify the relationship between the dependent and the resource.

  1. Select Benefits > Set Up > Dependent Relationships.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Specify this information:
    Effective Date

    Select a date on which this relationship is effective.

    Relationship and Description

    Specify a name and description of the dependent relationship, such as husband or daughter. This is displayed to the employee when they add a dependent.


    Select a relationship type. This field is used to identify whether a dependent with this relationship can be enrolled in a benefit.

    A Non Tax Qualified Dependent is a dependent who cannot be claimed by the employee as a dependent for tax purposes but is still eligible for benefits.


    Select a gender. The gender that you specify for this relationship is displayed as the gender default value when the employee is adding a dependent. For example, if Relationship is husband, you can specify Male to be the default value. If the Relationship is Spouse, the gender field can be blank.

    HIPAA Relationship Code
    Select the dependent's relationship to the resource for the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) code. This field is only available when Benefits is enabled.
  4. Click Save.