Creating notifications for evidence of insurability

Outside of the employee enrollment process, certain changes may cause coverage to increase and become subject to Evidence of Insurability (EOI). For example, an employee salary may change and increase their coverage amount.

Use this procedure to create notifications for pending EOI documentation. This will send an email using the template that is defined for the coverage.

The current date is used as the EOI Notification Date.

  1. Select Benefits > Utilities > Create Notifications for Evidence of Insurability.
  2. Specify this information:
    Eligibility Group

    Select an eligibility group to send notifications to specific groups of employees with pending EOIs. Leave blank to notify all employees with EOIs pending.

    Initial Notification

    Select the check box if this is an initial notification. This selects employees whose EOI Notification Date is blank.

    Reminder Notification

    Select this check box if this is a reminder notification. This selects employees whose EOI Notification Date is not blank and compares the number of days to the EOI Notification Date to determine which employees to include.

    Number of Days

    Specify the number of days to use to determine which employees are selected based on the last time they received an email reminder.

  3. Click OK.