Creating medical support orders

Medical support is a form of child support often provided through an employer’s health insurance plan. State child support agencies send the Medical Support Notice to employers to help ensure that children receive health care coverage when it is available and when it is required as part of a child support order.

During enrollment, the employee is prompted to select required coverage for those individuals who are in the support order.

  1. Select Benefits > Maintenance > Medical Support Order.

    Or select Benefits > Maintenance > By Resource.

  2. Click Create.
  3. Specify this information:
    Employment ID

    Specify the Employment ID of the employee or retiree who is responsible to provide medical support.

    Order Number

    Specify the Medical Support Notice order or case number.

    Start Date

    Specify the date on which the order starts.

    End Date

    Specify the date on which the order ends. If there is no end date, leave this field blank.


    Select whether this order meets the organization's criteria for qualified orders. Only qualified orders provide edits to ensure that the identified dependents are enrolled in benefits.


    Attach a copy of any documentation. For example, a copy of the order.

  4. Click Save.
  5. On the Alternate Recipients tab, specify information about the dependents to which this order applies. You can specify representative details, for example, custodial or co-parent, of other involved parties.
  6. On the Order Coverage tab, click Create to specify the plan, type, or category for each of the coverage types that are demanded in the court order.
  7. Click Save.