Creating spending account only flex plan |
Tasks to define a spending account only flex plan. You define the
plan year and select the plan's frequency table for the spending
Creating spending account-only flex plans
Creating full flex plans |
Tasks to define a full flex plan. You must define a flex credit if you
define a full flex plan.
Creating full flex plans
Creating flex credits |
Tasks to define the flex credits you want to give employees before
they enroll in benefit plans, and the percentage of unused flex credits
they can add to their taxable wages.
Creating flex credit records
Creating flex salary rules |
Tasks to define the rules the application uses to determine
each employee's salary for flex credit calculations.
Creating flex credits based on salary
Creating flex credits based on age |
Tasks to assign flex credits based on age.
Creating flex credits based on age
Creating flex credits based on years of service |
Tasks to assign flex credits based on the number of years an
employee is employed with your company.
Creating flex credits based on years of service
Creating flex credits based on number of
dependents |
Tasks to assign flex credits based on the number of employee
Creating flex credits based on number of dependents
Creating flex credits based on lifestyle |
Tasks to assigned flex credits based on the number of an employee's
lifestyle credits.
Creating flex credits based on lifestyle