Creating enrollment groups

After benefit plans are created, you can create enrollment groups. Enrollment groups are a library of benefits that have been grouped together. These can then be added to enrollment rules to show to resources within an enrollment event. After the benefit plans are set up, you can create the enrollment groups, and then the enrollment rules. Enrollment groups are a library of headers that are used in enrollment rules from which the resource can select benefits. For example, Health, Dental, 401k, Vision, Life.

To see which enrollment groups are associated with enrollment events, go to Benefits > Enrollment Events > Set Up > Enrollment Groups, open an enrollment group, and click the Used By tab.

Use this procedure to create an enrollment group.

  1. Select Benefits > Enrollment Events > Set Up > Enrollment Groups.
  2. Click Create, and specify this information on the Main tab:
    Enrollment Group

    Specify a code for the enrollment group. For example, HEALTH.


    Specify a description for the enrollment group. This is the header that is displayed to the resource.

    Maximum Plans

    Select the maximum number of plans that a resource can select under this header during enrollment.


    Select whether at least one plan must be selected by a resource for this enrollment group.

    Enable Reset

    Select to enable the resource to reset their elections for the enrollment group to the preselected benefits.

  3. In the Coverage section, specify this information:
    Coverage Options

    Select whether coverage options are displayed to the individual for plans that have coverage options, such as health and dental. For example, individual only, individual +1.

    Salary Multiple

    Select to display the salary multiple for a plan. This only shows a multiple for plans where the coverage is defined as Multiple of Salary or Fixed Multiple of Salary. Otherwise, 0.0000 is displayed.

    Select whether to show salary multiples. For example, 1x salary, 2x salary. This is used for life insurance plans.

    Coverage Amount

    Select the cost basis in which coverage should be displayed. This is for plans with Coverage Type = Coverage Amount.

  4. In the Contributions section, specify the fields to be displayed in enrollment for contribution. These are displayed using the Cost Display from the enrollment rule that is applicable to the individual:
    Employee Pre Tax
    Select to display the amount that is deducted before taxes are calculated.
    Employee After Tax
    Select to display the amount that is deducted after taxes are calculated.
    Total Employee
    Select to display the Employee Pre Tax + Employee After Tax calculation.
    Flex Credits
    Select to display the amount of flex credits that are applicable for the benefit.
    Total Employee And Flex
    Select to display the net cost of employee pre tax, employee after tax, and flex.
    Employer Cost
    Select to display the employer contribution.
  5. In the Vacation Plans section, specify this information if vacation plans are included in the group:
    Buy Hours

    Select whether buy hours are displayed for plans with that option.

    Sell Hours

    Select whether sell hours are displayed for plans with that option.

  6. In the Additional Information section, specify the information that is displayed, in enrollment and current benefits, when a plan is selected:
    View Plan Website
    Select to display a link to the Benefit Plan URL, if it is specified on the plan set up.
    View Plan Document
    Select to display a link to the plan document, if it is specified on the plan set up.
    View Provider Website
    Select to provide a link to the provider's URL, if the provider specified it on the plan set up.
    Dependent Coverage Amount
    Select to display the dependent coverage amount in the cost basis that was specified in the Coverage Amount field in the Coverage section. This applies only to plans with coverage that use the calculation type of Flat Amount and have an amount specified in Flat Amount 2 on the coverage rule.
    Pay Periods
    Select to display the number that was used as a divisor to determine the pay period amount. This could be cycles remaining, if front loading is enabled, it is the number of pay periods specified, or it can be the divisor from the frequency table.
    Benefit Start Date
    In enrollment, select to display the start date for the newly elected benefit. In current benefits, select to display the most recent enrollment date in the benefit.
    Additional Annual Contributions
    Select to display the contributions that were selected in the Contributions section as annual amounts.
    Additional Pay Period Contributions
    Select to display the contributions that were selected in the Contributions section as pay period amounts.
    Year To Date Contributions
    Select to display year to date contributions. It uses a plan contribution rule for Limit Year specification. If the Limit Year = Calendar Year then the Year To Date Contributions are based on the calendar year (January 1 - December 31). If the Limit Year = Plan Year, then the Year To Date Contributions are based upon the plan year. If the plan is associated with a flex plan, the plan year is determined by the flex plan’s start date. If the plan is not associated with a flex plan, then the plan year is based upon the plan’s start date. For example, if a benefit that is associated with a flex plan with the start of 05/01, then the plan year is 05/01/(yyyy – 1 year) – 04/30/yyyy. A plan year is referenced by the end year.
  7. In the Covered section, specify this information:
    Select this check box to have spouses covered in this enrollment group when using the Filter Choices Based On Dependents organization setting.
    Domestic Partner
    Select this check box to have domestic partners covered in this enrollment group when using the Filter Choices Based On Dependents organization setting.
    Select this check box to have qualifying dependents covered in this enrollment group when using the Filter Choices Based On Dependents organization setting.
    Non Tax Qualified Dependent
    Select this check box to have non-tax qualified dependents covered in this enrollment group when using the Filter Choices Based On Dependents organization setting. These are usually dependents who are not the employee's spouse or child.
  8. In the Dependent Criteria section, specify this information:
    Dependent Age
    Specify the maximum age at which dependents are covered in this enrollment group when using the Filter Choices Based On Dependents organization setting.
    Student Age
    Specify the maximum age at which dependents who are college students are covered in this enrollment group when using the Filter Choices Based On Dependents organization setting.
    Part Time Students
    Specify the maximum age at which dependents who are part-time college students are covered in this enrollment group when using the Filter Choices Based On Dependents organization setting.
  9. Click Save.
  10. On the Plans tab, click Create. When you select an enrollment group, the plans within it are displayed on the Plans tab. The order in which the plans are displayed can be changed on the Display Sequence column.
  11. Select the benefit plans the individual can select in the enrollment group. This list does not take eligibility into consideration. The resource will only see the plans in each enrollment group for which they are eligible.
    Benefit Plan

    Select the benefit plans to add to this enrollment group.

    Passive Enrollment
    Select one of these options:
    • Use Plan Rule: This determines whether passive enrollment is enabled for the enrollment event based on the setting in the benefit plan set up.
    • Disabled: Passive enrollment is not used when an enrollment event is finalized. If the enrollment event is not submitted, then the current benefit is stopped.
    • Enabled: This applies only to enrollment events that have not been submitted. If an enrollment event is not submitted, the current benefits that enable Passive Enrollment are not stopped when the enrollment event is finalized.
    Dependent Enrollment
    This setting can only be changed if the plan setting for Dependent is Prompt For Enrollment or Automatic Enrollment. Dependents cannot enroll when the plan does not include them. Select one of these options:
    • Use Plan Rule: Use the plan's rule for dependents, either Prompt For Enrollment or Automatic Enrollment.
    • Prompt For Enrollment: A resource must select the dependents to be enrolled.
    • Automatic Enrollment: All qualified dependents are enrolled upon the election of the benefit.
    Eligibility Survey
    The use of the eligibility survey for a benefit plan can be disabled for an enrollment group. In that case, when the enrollment group is used in the enrollment, the survey is not displayed. By default, the use of the survey rule, as defined by the benefit plan, is enabled. The survey cannot be enabled for a plan that does not have a survey. This can only be turned off in enrollment when the plan enables it.
    Ask Smoker Question

    Select Use Plan Rule to keep the plan rule options or select Disabled to not display the question. This can only be turned off in enrollment when the plan enables it.

    Display Sequence

    Shows the sequence in which the plans are displayed to the resource.

    New Display Sequence

    On an add, this is display-only. After initially adding the plans, you can change the sequence in which the plans are displayed to the resource by changing the sequence number for the plan.

    Enrollment Changes Allowed
    Select the check box for the enrollment change to be allowed.
    • Increase: Select the check box if increases are allowed from current enrollment and if so, the amount.
    • Decrease: Select this check box if decreases are allowed from current enrollment.
    • Add Benefit Plan: Select this check box to allow resources to add benefit plans.
    • Remove Benefit Plan: Select this check box to allow resources to remove a benefit plan.
    • Remove Benefit Plan Required: Select this check box if the resource must unenroll in the benefit. For example, if a divorce life event occurs and the resource is enrolled in Spouse Life Insurance, the event will prevent the resource from continuing the election, even if they are currently enrolled in it.
    Dependent Enrollment
    Specify this information:
    • Dependent Enrollment: Select whether to use a User Plan Rule, to prompt the resource for enrollment, or automatically enroll the resource.
    • Eligibility Survey: Select whether to a Use Plan Rule or to disable the survey functionality.
    • Coverage Add Allowed: Select the dependent relationships that can be newly enrolled.
    • Coverage Remove Required: Select the dependent relationships that must be removed from enrollment.
  12. Click Save.