Mass creating employee flex credit records

Use this procedure to create flex credit records for a group of employees.

If the flex credits are created as part of an employee's enrollment, the standard time record is not created until the enrollment is finalized. If your company has more than one flex plan, an employee can only be enrolled in one of those plans.

To create individual flex credit records, see Manually creating flex credit records for employees.

You can also automatically enroll employees into flex credit plans in enrollment rules.

See Creating enrollment rules.

These fields are displayed for each employee record:
  • Annual salary
  • Base credits
  • Number of flex credits given before benefit election
  • Pre-tax limits
  • Total flex and pre-tax amounts
  1. Select Benefits > Maintenance > By Full Flex Plans.
  2. Select a flex plan.
  3. Click Mass Create.
  4. Select a benefit group.
  5. Specify a start date.
  6. Click Submit.