Creating benefit plan reports

Use this report to view a list of benefit plan details by benefit plan.

Use Print Plan to generate a PDF document for the selected benefit plan and its details (eligibility, entry rules, termination rules, coverage, and contributions).

Use Print All Plans to generate a PDF document that contains the plan details for all benefit plans.

  1. Select Benefits > Reports > By Benefit Plan.
  2. Select a benefit plan.
  3. These tabs may be displayed depending on the benefit plan that is selected:
    Tab Description Available when
    Dependent Benefits Shows dependents enrolled in the benefit plan. Available when benefit plan has dependents allowed.

    Shows beneficiaries for the benefit.

    Use Print to print a PDF that contains additional information about the beneficiaries, such as relationship to the employee and their address.

    Available when the benefit plan has beneficiaries allowed
    Investments Shows the investment elections and distribution percent for employees. Available when the benefit plan has Investment Elections.
    Compensation History

    Shows the compensation history that is imported from payroll. The information for an employee can be added, changed, or deleted. However, we recommend that the import processes are used instead. This is used in the Hours Of Service Report.

    Available when the benefit plan type is Defined Contribution or Defined Benefit.

    Vesting History

    Shows the data that has been imported from payroll for Hours Worked for each vesting year, as defined by the plan.

    The information for an employee can be added, changed or deleted. However, it is recommended that the import processes are used instead. These will overwrite any manually modified data.

    Available when the benefit plan type is Defined Benefit or Defined Contribution.
    Vesting Report Shows the calculated vesting percent and vesting years for enrolled employees. Available when the benefit plan has a vesting schedule associated and the benefit plan type Defined Benefit or Defined Contribution.
    Contribution History

    Tracks the account balances for each employee in these plans.

    This information is from a payroll interface. Prior years can be updated or created manually here. This is where the forfeitures and investment interest can be adjusted.

    This information is used in the Top Heavy report (under Discrimination Testing)

    Available when the benefit plan type is Defined Benefit or Defined Contribution.
    Vacation Hours History Shows the hours that employees have purchased or sold. Available when the benefit plan type is Vacation.
    Hours of Service Shows the enrolled employees’ hours of service, compensation, and identifies whether the hours requirement is met. Available when the benefit plan type is Defined Benefit or Defined Contribution.