Creating coverage limits across plans

You can apply a maximum coverage limit across multiple plans by defining the coverage amount limit. Coverage limits are not used for the coverage class of COBRA participants.
  1. Select Benefits > Plans > Coverage Limits Across Plans.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Specify this information including coverage date, class, group, type, and currency.
    Coverage Date
    Specify the effective date of the rule. It must match the Coverage Date on the associated benefit plans coverage rules.
    Coverage Class
    Specify the coverage class to which this rule applies. It must match the Coverage Class on the associated benefit plans coverage rules.
    Benefit Group
    Specify the benefit group to which this rule applies. It must match the Benefit Group on the associated benefit plans coverage rules.
    Benefit Type
    Specify the benefit type to which this rule applies. All associated benefit plans must have this type.
    Specify the currency to which this rule applies. It must match the Currency on the associated benefit plans coverage rules.
    Coverage Amount Limit
    Specify the overall limit allowed across the associated plans. This is not EOI.
    Guarantee Issue Limit
    Specify an EOI guarantee issue limit.
    Issue Limit Message
    Specify an Increase Limit Message that is shown on the employee enrollment if they elect an amount that exceeds the guaranteed issue limit.
    Email Template
    Select the email template to use to send correspondence to the enrollee when the guaranteed issue limit is exceeded.
    Email Attachment
    Attach a document to include in the email sent to those exceeding the guaranteed issue limit.
  4. On the Plans tab, click Create and select the benefit plans. Only benefit plans with the same Type can be associated to a coverage limit across plans rule. Benefit plans must have Coverage Type of Coverage Amounts. Benefit plans must have coverage rules that match the limit's Coverage Date, Coverage Class, Benefit Group, and Currency.
  5. Click Save.