Mass enrolling employees into default plans

Use this procedure to mass enroll employees into default plans with default coverage and contributions.

You can specify the date that is used to determine the appropriate plans and eligibility criteria. For a plan that has years of service measured in hours, each employee's pay history is used to determine whether the employee has met the plan's years of service requirement on the enrollment date specified.

An example of default plans for which an administrator can mass enroll are Health Waive Plans and Short Term Disability plans.

  1. Select Benefits > Maintenance > Processes > Mass Enroll In Default Plans.
  2. Click Create Report.
  3. Specify this information:
    Benefit Type

    Select at least one and up to twelve benefit types to include. If left blank, Benefit Plan must be selected.

    Benefit Plan

    Select at least one benefit plan. If you leave this field blank, the update includes all plans of the benefit types you selected, and you must select Benefit Type.

    Benefit Group

    To include only those employees in a particular benefit group, select the benefit group.

    Enrollment Date

    Specify the date employees will be enrolled into the default plan.

    Use Eligibility Date

    Select whether each employee will be enrolled on their own eligibility date. Clear the date if you want all the employees to be enrolled on the Enrollment Date.

    Create HIPAA 834 Transactions

    Select whether to create a HIPAA 834 transaction record. If this field is cleared, the parameter defined for the plan controls this. If selected, it overrides what is defined on the plan.

    HIPAA Reason

    Select a reason for the benefit enrollment. This field is required if the Create HIPAA 834 Transactions check box is selected.

  4. Click OK to process this action immediately.


    Click Schedule to schedule the action to run later.

  5. To view enrollment errors, select Benefits > Maintenance > Processes > Mass Enroll In Default Plans. A list of enrollment errors is displayed.