Creating notifications for ending benefits

Use this procedure to send the email that was selected for the specified benefit type. If the employee's benefit has an end date that is within the number of Days Before End Date, and no other benefit is enrolled for the type, an email is generated.

  1. Select Benefits > Utilities > Create Notifications For Ending Benefits.
  2. Specify this information:
    Email Template

    Select an email template to use for this notification.

    Days Before End Date

    Specify the number of days before the benefit ends that the employee will receive this notification.

    Email Options

    Select an email option:

    • All Benefits: Sends email to all employees with benefits

    • Not Created by Benefit Period: Sends email to employees with benefits that have not been created because of the benefit period report. The Created by Benefit Period field is not selected on the Benefit Plan's Main tab.

    • Created by Benefit Period: Sends email to employees with benefits that have been created because of the benefit period report. This field is selected on the Benefit Plan's Main tab.

    Benefit Type

    Select the check boxes for all of the benefit types for which to send notifications.

  3. Click OK.
    When the email is sent, the date is written to the Reminder Email Sent field on the employee's Benefit Plan Main tab. If a date already exists, a notification is not sent for this employee benefit.