Creating providers

To track and associate providers with a plan, you must define your company's providers.

  1. Select Benefits > Set Up > Providers.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Specify this information:

    Specify the code to represent the provider.


    Specify the description.

    Entity Type

    Select an entity type to identify whether this trading partner is an insurance carrier, a broker or sales office, or a third-party administrator.

    Entity ID

    Specify the insurer's identification number.

    ID Classification

    Select an ID classification to identify whether this is a federal ID, a HIPAA ID, or another ID.


    If your contract with this entity involves a master policy or contract number, you can specify the number here instead of on Benefit Plan.

    If you specify it here, the policy number serves as the policy (or contract) number for all plans associated with this entity.

  4. Complete the remaining fields on the Contract Information and Contact tabs.
  5. Click Save.