Setting up ACA hours measurement

Information specified here is used to identify the hours to save for ACA reporting as default values when measurement assessment processing is performed. Parameters specified on the Initial Measurement tab are used for new hires. Parameters specified on the Standard Measurement tab are used to assess existing employees during the annual enrollment administrative period. Parameters should be reviewed annually, and adjusted when required.
  1. Select Benefits > Setup > ACA > Hours Measurement.
  2. On the Main tab, specify this information:
    Pay Class
    Select the pay class that identifies hours used for ACA eligibility purposes. These hours are also used to determine the ALE member under which to report the individual. If a pay class is not selected and ACA Reporting is enabled for the organization, all imported hours are saved as ACA Hours.
    Weekly Average
    Average of weekly hours required for ACA eligibility.
    Monthly Average
    Average of monthly hours required for ACA eligibility.
  3. On the Initial Measurement tab, specify this information:
    Benefit Group
    Select the default benefit group for the resource to be included in the initial measurement period. This benefit group must be the same one that is based on the work assignment.
    Hire Date
    Select the default date range that is used to select resources for the initial measurement that fall within this range.
    Date Type
    Select the default date type that will be used as the base for determining the dates for the measurement and stability periods.
    Completion Days
    Specify the number of days past the measurement end date with which a measurement period can be considered complete for a resource. These extra days are used to give the time needed to ensure that all hours have been added to ACA hours.
    Enrollment Event
    Select the default enrollment event for resources that are eligible for the initial benefit period.
    Measurement Period Duration
    Select the default length of the measurement period. Specify a number and then the unit of measurement.
    Measurement Period Entry Type
    Select when the measurement period will begin. This entry is based upon the date selected in the Date Type field.
    Administrative Period Duration
    Select the default length of the administrative period. Specify a number and then the unit of measurement. This period will begin immediately after the measurement period.
    Stability Period Duration
    Select the default length of the stability period. Specify a number and then the unit of measurement.
    Stability Period Entry Type
    Select when the stability period will begin, which is after the administrative period.
    Next Entry Point Inclusive
    This field is available only if Measurement Period Entry Type is Prior Entry Point or Next Entry Point.
    Entry Point
    Select up to 12 entry points, based on the Stability Period Entry Type you selected.
  4. On the Standard Measurement tab, specify this information:
    Benefit Group
    Select the default benefit group that identifies resources to include in the standard measurement period.
    Date Type
    Select the default date type that will be used as the base for determining the dates for the measurement and stability periods.
    Completion Days
    Specify the number of days past the measurement end date with which a measurement period can be considered complete for a resource. These extra days are used to give the time needed to ensure that all hours have been added to ACA Hours.
    Enrollment Event
    Select the default enrollment event for resources that are eligible for the initial benefit period.
    Measurement Period
    Select the default dates for the standard measurement period.
    Administrative Period
    Select the default dates for the standard administrative period.
    Stability Period
    Select the default dates for the standard stability period.
  5. Click OK.