Creating highly compensated employees reports

Use this report to determine which employees are highly compensated. When you have the highly compensated employees identified, use the Update action to update the Highly Compensated check box on the Resource Profile. This information is used when you run the ADP/ACP Tests. See Creating ADP/ACP test reports.


The annual salary from the employee record is not used to determine compensation. Rather the payroll history for the dates designated is used. See the Benefit Hours Worked import record.

  1. Select Benefits > Reports > Discrimination Testing > Highly Compensated Employees.

    The Current tab shows a list of employees that are designated on their profiles as highly compensated.

  2. On the Proposed tab, click Create Report.
  3. Specify this information:
    Pay Class

    Specify a Pay Class. Data imported to the Hours Worked report and the Pay Summary Group relations are used to select the wage information for the class specified.

    Compensation Date Range

    The Hours Worked information is used for the date range specified to calculate the employee compensation.

    Update Employees

    Select this check box to update the employee profile with report results.

    Minimum Compensation

    Specify the minimum compensation an employee must have received to be included as highly compensated. Only employees whose compensation is equal to or greater than this amount for the period identified are included on the report.

    Top Paid Percent / Minimum Compensation

    Specify a percent of the top paid employees that are considered highly compensated and what their minimum compensation must be to be considered a highly compensated employee.

    Officer Compensation

    Specify the minimum compensation an officer must have received to be included as highly compensated. Officers not meeting this criteria can still be included in the report if they meet one of the other employee compensation criteria.

  4. Click OK to process this action immediately.


    Click Schedule to schedule the action to run later.

  5. Click Update Employees to change the highly compensated indicator on the employee’s talent profile to match the one calculated by the report.