Creating time off requests

Administrators can request time off on behalf of a resource.

  1. Select Absence Management > Maintain Absences > Time Off > Time Off Requests.
  2. Select the Draft tab.
  3. Click Create.
  4. Select the employee and the plan.
  5. Specify the Begin Date and the End Date of the time off request and whether it is a Full Day or a Half Day.
    This information is displayed:
    • Available — the balance currently held on the plan. An alert denotes that carryover hours are included in the available balance.

    • Pending + Approved — includes all requested time off plus all approved time off that has not yet been processed by the plan administrator.

    • % of Limit — shows how close the available balance is to reaching the plan limit, if a limit applies. The plan limit can be configured in the organization setup.

    • Available For Request — the balance available to request. It is available balance minus pending plus approved balance.

    • Projected Available – the hours the employee is projected to have available at the time of the date selected. These hours are displayed if Future Projected Balances have been enabled for the absence plan. See Creating absence plans.
  6. Optionally, specify comments in Additional Information to further describe the time off request. and attach a document.
  7. Click Submit.

    After creating a time off request, you can submit multiple records simultaneously by clicking Submit All. Click Approve to bypass the process flow approval.