Completing email template details

Specify this information:
Preferred Email Language
Specify the role whose language you want to use. For example, if you select Manager, then the Manager's locale is used to determine the language for the template file. This field is not required.

If you leave this field blank, the organization's base data is used.

Note: This field is only available if Dynamic Embedded Text (DET) is used.
Select the variables representing the email or addresses of the people to whom the email will be sent.

Right-click in the field, click Variables, and select the variable representing the email address of the recipient. The variable that you select shows in curly braces. For example, {ManagerEmail}. Separate multiple email addresses or email variables with commas.

Note: In any email address field on the template, you can also specify an actual email address.
Select the variables representing the email addresses of the people to whom the email is copied. For example, {ResourceEmail}. Separate multiple email addresses or email variables with commas.
Specify the email address of the sender. This can be a generic system email address. Alternatively, you can right-click in the field, click Variables, and select the variable representing the email address of the sender. For example, {RequesterEmail}.
Specify the subject of the email. You can right-click in the field and select Variables for any text that you want substituted. For example, {ResourcePreferredFullName} – Requests Time Off.
Provide the text of the email. Use variable text for any text that you want substituted. To select variable text, click {A} in the formatting toolbar. The list of valid variables is displayed. For example, {ResourceFullName}has requested Time Off of {Hours} hours on {TimeOffDate}.
Note: This is an RTF text field, so you can do some formatting.

The variables that are prefaced with the word Old can be used in email templates for update actions. You can include the values that were there before the update and what they were changed to. The Old variables store the values from before the update. The variables that are not prefaced with Old can be used to show what the fields were changed to. For example, {ResourceFullName}has changed their time off request date from {OldTimeOffDate} to {TimeOffDate}, and the hours from {OldHours} to {Hours}.