Calculating length of service hours

If you have an hours-based plan, then calculate length of service hours before running the employee absence plan calculation. You typically only calculate length of service hours for time periods in which new time records exist.

  1. Select Absence Management > Maintain Absences > Length of Service > Calculate.
  2. Specify this information:
    Organization Unit Group
    Optionally, specify an organization unit group for which to process resource plans.

    All resources whose primary work assignment's organization unit is within this organization unit group are processed.

    Resource Group
    Select a specific resource group.
    Select up to eight individual resources to process.
    Plan Type
    Specify a plan type from which to calculate length of service hours.
    Eligibility Groups
    Select one or more eligibility groups. If these fields are blank, all eligibility groups are processed.
    Service Years
    Specify the range of years for which to calculate length of service hours. You typically run this program for the current year or years where new service records were created. If this field is blank, then all years are recalculated.
    Plan Version Date
    Specify the plan version date for the length of service hours calculation. This date determines which resource plan enrollment records are selected for processing and calculating length of service hours. This date must fall between the Plan Entry and Plan End date of the resource's plan record. For plan rules with multiple tables defined, this date determines which table is used to find the Hours Service Class and Hours Service Type. The Hours Service Class and Hours Service Type are used to calculate length of service hours.
    Select the time records to include in the length of service calculation.
    • Select Closed Only to calculate length of service hours for time records that have a status of Closed or Closed By Payroll and are linked to a service record.
    • Select Open and Closed to calculate length of service hours for time records that have a status of Closed, Approved, or Ready For Interface when HR Payroll is not enabled and the time records are linked to a service record. Selecting Open and Closed calculates length of service hours for time records that have a status of Current, Error, Processed, Manual or Closed By Payroll when HR Payroll is enabled and the time records are linked to a service record.
    Specify whether to create a list of service hours to update or to update service hours.
    • List Records To Update: Creates a list of Pending service hours.
    • Update Length of Service Hours: Creates service hours records.

    See Update fields in set actions.

  3. Click OK to process the action immediately or click the Schedule button to schedule the action to run later.
  4. When length of service hours has been calculated, use these reports:
    • To view and remove pending Length of Service Hours records, select Absence Management > Maintain Absences > Length Of Service > Pending. You can regenerate as necessary before updating the system.
    • To view processed Length of Service Hours, select Absence Management > Maintain Absences > Length Of Service > Length Of Service..