Allowing time off requests
If you selected the Allow Time Off Requests check box when defining the absence plan, the Time Off Options tab is available.
- Select Absence Management > Set Up > Plans and Components > Plans.
- Select a plan.
Select the Time Off Options tab
and specify this information:
- Usage Service Code
- Service Code for the Time Off request that will decrement
the Absence Plan’s balance. This field is required if Allows Time Off Request is
selected. It is automatically set to blank if Allow Time Off Requests is cleared.
The Service Code must be associated with a Pay Code. The pay code is used on the
employee time record that is created when a time off request is approved.
For information about defining a pay code, see the Infor HR Talent Setup and Administration Guide.
The Usage Service Code must be a member of the Usage Service Class that is defined on the plan's balance rule.
- Enter Time Off In
- Select whether time off requests are specified in hours
or days. Note: This option cannot be changed if time off requests exist for this plan.
- Full Day Hours
- Specify the number of hours that equal a full day. The
value must be:
- Greater than zero
- Greater than or equal to the minimum daily hours
- Less than or equal to the maximum daily hours.
- Daily Hours Range
- This is the minimum and maximum hours per day for which a resource can request time off. Define a maximum value to provide a warning for time records or time off requests when the total hours for a day exceeds the maximum.
- Request Types Allowed
- These options are available when the Enter Time Off In field is
- Full Day: Select whether time off can be requested for a full day.
- Half Day: Select whether time off can be requested for a half day.
- Quarter Day: Select whether time off can be requested for a quarter day.
- Other Hours: Select whether time off can be requested for a number of hours that is different than a full day, half day, or quarter day. If selected, specify a range of the valid other hours values.
- Select The Days For Which Time Off Can Be Requested
- The days of the week for which time off requests can be
made for the plan.Note: If valid days of the week for time off requests are selected on a work schedule that is assigned to an employee, the days selected on the work schedule will override what is defined on an employee's absence plans. For information about defining work schedules, see the Infor HR Talent Setup and Administration Guide.
- Holidays
Select whether time off requests for holidays are allowed. Holidays are defined by the Time Administrator in Global Human Resources. See the Infor HR Talent Setup and Administration Guide. In Absence Management, you can view Holiday Schedules and a list of Company Holidays in Setup > Holidays.
- If the Holidays option is selected, then all roles can request time off for a holiday date where the office is Open. This is defined on the Holiday Schedule. A warning message is displayed to all roles if a time off request is made for a holiday date where the office is Closed.
- If the Holidays option is not selected, then the Resource and Manager receive an error message if they request time off for a holiday date. This is regardless of whether the office is designated as Open or Closed on the Holiday Schedule. They cannot complete the request. The Administrator receives a warning message if they request time off for a holiday date. This is regardless of whether the office is Open or Closed. They can choose whether to continue to create the request.
- Limit Request Dates By Pay Period
- Select whether to limit time off requests for past and future pay periods. If this field is not selected, then time off requests are valid for any valid pay period that is defined on the Payment Schedule. The payment schedule must be associated with the Resource’s primary work assignment.
- Ineligible Work Day Message
- When Resources and Managers try to request time off for ineligible days
an error message displays. Specify whether an error message only is shown, stopping
the request for ineligible days, or to ignore the error message and process the days
off request. Select a value from this list:
- Error Message
- Ignore Error Message
- Allow Cancel Of Processed Time Off Requests
- Select this check box to allow employees to cancel time off requests that have already been processed.
- Period
- Specify a number to correspond with the Unit field to determine how far in the past employees can cancel processed time off requests.
- Unit
- Select a unit of time in Days, Weeks, Semi Months, or Months to determine how far in the past employees can cancel processed time off requests.
- Allow Cancel of Processed Time Off in Prior Plan Years
- Optionally, select this check box to allow employees to cancel processed time off requests made in previous years.
- Number Of Past Pay Periods
- This field is available when the Limit Request Dates by Pay Period field is selected. Specify the number of past pay periods for which time off requests are allowed. Leave this field blank to allow entry for the current pay period and no periods in the past.
- Number Of Future Pay Periods
- This field is available when the Limit Request Dates by Pay Period
field is selected. Specify the number of future pay periods for which time off
requests are allowed. Leave the field blank to allow entry for the current pay
period and no periods in the future.
For example:
- Past = 0 periods, Future = 6 periods
Requests for this plan can be specified for the current pay period up through 6 pay periods into the future.
- Past = 2 periods, Future = 6 periods
Requests for this plan can be specified from 2 pay periods back up through 6 pay periods into the future.
- Past = 2 periods. Future = 0 periods
Requests for this plan can be specified from 2 pay periods back up through the current pay period.
- Past = 0 periods, Future = 0 periods
Requests for this plan can be specified for the current pay period only.
- Past = 0 periods, Future = 6 periods
- Click Save.