Creating general ledger rules
Use this procedure to define the rules that determine how Absence Management interfaces to a general ledger or project accounting system.
- Select Absence Management > Set Up > Plans and Components > Rules > General Ledger.
- Click Create.
- Specify a General Ledger Rule and Description.
On the Hours tab, select how hours liabilities
are created for a general ledger system.
If hours are not interfaced to general ledger, the General Ledger Rule is not required.
- Type
- Select how hours liabilities are created for a general ledger system. If this field is blank, no liability is created for hours balances.
- Method
- Specify the type of General Ledger entry that is
Reversing entries represent the entire balance amount and are automatically reversed out the next accounting period. Non-reversing entries post an amount representing the additional liability accumulated since the last interface.
- Include Pay Rate Changes
- Select this option to include adjustments for changes to the rate of
pay when computing the liability. Note: A record will not be created if there are no hours to post.
- Include Accumulated Liability Change In Creation Of Records
- This option is displayed if Include Pay Rate Changes is selected. Select this option to create a record if there is a change in the rate of pay and there are no hours to post.
- Table
- If only a portion of the hours balances will be
interfaced as a liability, select the table that contains the calculation for
adjusting the total liability.
A table is required even if 100 percent of the balance will be interfaced.
On the Earnings tab, select the way in which
earnings liabilities are created for a general ledger system.
- Type
- Select the way in which earnings liabilities are created for a general ledger system. If this field is blank, then no liability is created for hours balances.
- Method
- Specify the type of General Ledger entry that is
Reversing entries represent the entire balance amount and are automatically reversed out the next accounting period. Non-reversing entries post an amount representing the additional liability that has accumulated since the last interface.
- Table
- If only a portion of the earnings balances will be
interfaced as a liability, select the table that contains the calculation for
adjusting the total liability.
A table is required even if 100 percent of the balance is interfaced.
Accounts or Cost Center fields are displayed on both the
Hours and Earnings tabs depending on
whether your organization is configured to use chart of accounts or cost centers. For
information about organization structure set up, see the Infor HR
Talent Setup and Administration Guide.
- Accrual
- Specify the general ledger company, accounting unit, and account combination. Alternatively, specify the cost center for the accrual entry.
- Expense
- Specify the general ledger company, accounting unit, and account combination. Alternatively, specify the cost center for the expense entry.
- Activity and Account Category; or Expense Project
- Specify the Activity and Account Category or the Expense Project for the expense entry.
If Finance Enterprise Structure has been enabled for your organization, a Finance
Enterprise Structure section is displayed on both the Hours and
Earnings tabs. This section is configurable in Financials and Supply Management and can be expanded to include up to 15 fields. For
information on how to enable and configure Finance Enterprise Structure for your
organization, see "Configuring shared data with Infor Financials and Supply Management" in
the Infor HR Talent Configuration Guide. For information on how to configure
Finance Enterprise Structure accounting dimensions, see "Creating finance enterprise
groups" in the Financials Setup and Administration Guide.
- Accrual
- Specify the Accounting Entity, Accounting Unit, Account, Project, Fund, Project Funding, and other Finance Enterprise Structure information, if required, for the accrual entry.
- Expense
- Specify the Accounting Entity, Accounting Unit, Account, Project, Fund, Project Funding, and other Finance Enterprise Structure information, if required, for the expense entry.
- Click Save.
- To view the rule setup and any related table, calculation and formula detail, click the Rule Details button.